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日期:2016-09-20 点击数:2808 共有条评论

1.Hangzhou Action Plan.pdf


2. Final 2016 Accountability Assessment Report.pdf

  Final 2016 Accountability Assessment - Chartpack.pdf

3.G20 Agenda towards a More Stable and Resilient IFA.pdf


4.FSB Chair's Letter to Hangzhou G20 Summit.pdf


5. IMF-FSB-BIS Macroprudential Policies.pdf

6. FSB Annual Report on Implementation and Effects of Reforms.pdf

7.G20 High-Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion.pdf



   G20 Financial Inclusion Indicators (2016 Update).pdf

9. G20 Action Plan on SME Financing Implementation Framework.pdf

10.G20 Green Finance Synthesis Report.pdf


11. Quantifying the Implementation of Growth Strategies - (IMF-OECD Note).pdf

12. IFA WG Report.pdf

13. GPFI 2016 Progress Report to G20 Leaders.pdf

14. GPFI White Paper Global Standard-Setting Bodes and Financial Inclusion – The Evolving Landscape.pdf

15. 2016 Update to Leaders on Progress Towards the G20 Remittance Target.pdf

16. G20 OECD Core Competencies Framework on Financial Literacy for Adults.pdf

17. G20 OECD INFE Ensuring Financial Education and Consumer Protection for All in the Digital Age.pdf

18. G20 Surveillance Note.pdf

19. IMF Note on Reinvigorating Trade to Support Growth - a Path Forward.pdf

20.IMF paper A_guiding_framework_for_structual_reforms.pdf

21. the Role of the SDR.pdf

22. BCBS Report on Implementation of Basel III.pdf

23. FSB Resolution Progress Report.pdf

24. BCBS-CPMI-FSB-IOSCO CCP Workplan Progress Report.pdf

25. CPMI-IOSCO CCP Resilience and Recovery Guidance.pdf

26. FSB CCP Resolution Planning.pdf

27. FSB Asset Management Consultative Document.pdf

28. FSB Correspondent Banking Progress Report.pdf

29. FSB Members’ Plans to Remove Legal Barriers to Trade Reporting.pdf

30. IMF-FSB Data Gaps DGI-2 -- First Progress Report.pdf

31.Growth Strategy

  2016 Growth Strategy - Argentina.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Australia.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Brazils.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Canada.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - China.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - EU.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - French.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Germany.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - India.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Indonesian.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Italy.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Japan.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Korea.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Mexico.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Russia.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Saudi Arabia.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - South Africa.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Spain.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - Turkey.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - UK.pdf

  2016 Growth Strategy - US.pdf

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